Corporate Environmental Policy

Profile is committed to the environment in all aspects of our business and has implemented corporate policies to provide a safe and healthy workplace to protect the environment and conserve energy and natural resources.

Our environmental policy is developed based on the following parameters:

  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace and ensure that personnel are properly trained in both environmental and occupational risk prevention and have the appropriate safety and emergency equipment.
  • Be environmentally responsible in the communities in which we operate and act promptly and responsibly in correcting incidents or circumstances that may pose a risk to health, safety or the environment. Immediately report all such incidents to the authorities, and adequately inform affected parties.
  • Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, by purchasing recycled materials and by using recyclable packaging and other recyclable materials.
  • Use development processes that do not adversely affect the environment, including development and improvement operations and technology that minimize waste, avoid air, water and other pollution, minimize health and safety risks, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
  • Ensure responsible use of energy in all our activities, including saving energy, improving energy efficiency and preferring renewable energy sources over non-renewable ones when and where feasible.
  • Participate in initiatives to improve environmental protection and understanding of environmental issues worldwide, and share appropriate pollution prevention technology, knowledge and methods.
    Use Profile’s products, services and technology to help develop solutions to environmental problems.
  • Meet or exceed all applicable legal and voluntary requirements to which Profile subscribes. Establish and abide by the stringent requirements developed by our own company, regardless of the country in which we do business.

All employees of Profile, as well as contractors on its premises, must follow this policy and report any environmental, health or safety issues to the Quality Department.