Identification of the Responsible Party

  • Address: C/ Castelló, 23, 4º Derecha. 28001 Madrid, España
  • Telephone: 915 94 36 64 / 93 4156179
  • E-mail:

The purpose of processing personal data

The purpose of processing will be to manage requests made through the website, either using the contact form or any other online form, or through email. Such requests could be, without being limited to, the management of a request, the response to a request for commercial information, a request for employment, or in certain cases, the registration to company newsletters, as well as any other interaction between users of the website and PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L that aims to satisfy user needs. All solicited data is considered necessary for attending to requests.

Likewise, the data provided will also be used to send commercial information about our products and services that could be of interest, by post, email, SMS, or any other equivalent means of digital communication. In the case that the user does not want to be included in the processing just described, the opportunity to oppose the reception of commercial communications will be provided in the information or contact forms, or even by exercising the right of opposition at the address found above.

Access to this website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in your browser that allow the server to save information that can be used for subsequent access. The stored information permits the identification of users and the registration of preferences, visited pages, etc. If the installation of cookies is not desired, this can be configured in your browser. Additional information about our cookies can be found at:

Conservation time

Personal information will be conserved during the period of validity of the commercial relationship, as long as the deletion of this information is not requested, or for the time required to complete actions arising from this contract; as well as for any claims received from official organizations in compliance to legislative norms. In the case that you send your CV, it will be conserved for a period of 2 years.

Information used to send commercial communications

The personal data provided for sending commercial communications will be conserved until you revoke consent, permitted without prejudice of your right of withdrawal or opposition.

Legitimation for the processing of data

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the execution of the commercial relationship in which you are part of, so that we can manage, develop, and control the commercial and contractual correspondence. All data solicited is obligatory, in that any non-observance could lead to the inability to provide the services offered on our website.

In regard to commercial communications by electronic means—as a result of a prior contractual relationship—the legal justification is the legitimate interest of PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L under article 21.2 of the Law of the Information Society Services.

Regarding the transmission of commercial communications by any means, including electronic—regardless of any contractual relationship, but based on legitimate interest as you addressed the entity—the legal basis is the consent that is solicited in the moment it is freely given. In the case we do not obtain your consent, PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L will not process your data for advertising purposes.

Lastly, in the case that you send us your CV, the legal basis for the processing of your data is the express consent of the interested party as well as the legitimate interest that results from the initiative taken when sending your CV.

Data communication or cession and international data transfers

PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L may communicate personal data to public administrations in the case of legal obligation.

However, if in any moment of the commercial relationship it becomes necessary to communicate your data to third parties for new purposes, such communication will be realized when PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L receives your prior consent in the legally required manner.

There may also exist third parties that, due to services provided to PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L, can access your personal data.

Likewise, we inform you that in order to be able to provide an adequate service, there are suppliers located outside the European Economic Area who could access your personal data on behalf of PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, SL and that could suppose the existence of international trans-fers of your personal data outside the European Union. For this, the adequate guarantees have been agreed, ensuring that they will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations.

In this regard, we inform you that certain countries located outside the EEA, have been declared by the European Commission as territories that offer a degree of protection equivalent to the data protection laws of the European Union, so it is not necessary no additional legal measure as sa-feguard.

In the case of countries that have not obtained such a declaration, we will take the necessary measures so that the recipients of the information treat their data with adequate guarantees (for example, through contrac-tual conditions that impose equivalent data protection obligations on the recipient) to the European ones). If you wish to request a copy of the spe-cific protection measures that we apply for the export of your informa-tion, please contact PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L.


Any person has the right to obtain confirmation on whether PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L is processing personal data concerning them, and in such case, has the right to access this personal data, the purpose of processing, and the categories of personal data collected.

Additionally, you will have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data, or where appropriate, request its deletion when, the data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected; consent is withdrawn or processing opposed; personal data has been treated in an unlawful manner; or must be removed in order to comply with a legal obligation established by the law of the member states of the European Union.

You can request the limitation of data processing when, challenging the accuracy of personal information during the time it takes for verification; the processing is unlawful; the interested party opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests the limitation of their use; the responsible party no longer needs the personal data for processing, but the interested party needs them to form, exercise, and defend claims; or the interested party opposes processing while verifying if the responsible party’s legitimate motives prevail over those of the interested party. In such cases, data is only conserved in order to exercise or defend claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you have to the right oppose the processing of your personal data. PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L will refrain from processing the data, except for legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

You will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, and that you have provided, in a structured format, and have the right to transmit this data to another party for processing without hindrance, when, processing was based on consent; or the processing was automated.

When the affected persons exercise access rights, rectification, deletion and opposition, limitation of processing, data portability not subjected to automated individualized decisions, it should be communicated by email to the following address

Lastly, in the terms established in the current legislation; it is possible to revoke consent already given, allowing interested persons to present a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


The personal data processed in PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L comes from the interested party.

Additional information

The user guarantees, in any case, the veracity, accuracy, validity, authenticity of the personal data provided, and commits to maintaining this information up to date. Additionally, the user guarantees to be over 14 years old.

In the event that personal data is provided by persons to whom they do not belong, the user should, prior to their inclusion, inform said persons of the points contained in the previous paragraphs. In these cases, the user guarantees that data provided is for someone over 14 years old and that the information is accurate and truthful. PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L shall be exempt from any liability due to the breach of these requirements by the user.

PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L has adopted the level of security legally required for the protection of personal data, and has adopted all means and technical measures available with accordance to the current state of technology to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the provided personal data.

The user is ensured confidentiality on part of the employees in PROFILE SOFTWARE SERVICES, S.L and all of those that process data on their behalf. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the user is aware that the security of communications over the network is not always invulnerable.