ISO 27001

ISO 27001

Perfil Software Services: Committed to information security

In Perfil Software Services, we offer technological solutions to a wide variety of clients in different sectors, collaborating with highly specialized professionals in the field of Information Technology. This experience has allowed us to serve large companies, mainly multinationals, consolidating us as a reference in the market.

Founded in 1999, our company is completely independent and 100% national capital. We have a team of specialized and specialized consultants who provide consulting, analysis and programming services to major companies in the country.

Since our inception, we have worked to bring real value to the innovation processes of our client companies, always with a focus on technological specialization and differentiation. Our commitment to proximity, flexibility and simplicity has allowed us to establish lasting and satisfactory relationships with our clients.

Information Security Policy

This information security policy aims to provide a framework for the implementation of the information security management system and for the establishment and review of objectives and goals in this area. Perfil Software Services is committed to:

  • Information Protection: Implement strict controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in all our services.
  • Transparency and Trust: Maintain honesty and transparency in our operations, earning the trust of our client companies and partners.
  • Continuous Improvement: To work continuously to improve information security and the satisfaction of our client companies.
  • Personnel Care: Treat our employees with the respect and consideration they deserve, maintaining a high degree of satisfaction and direct communication with the company’s management.

In addition, we insure:

  • Compliance with Requirements: Compliance with applicable legal requirements and other commitments related to information security.
  • Adaptation and Improvement: The continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Information Security Management System, adapting it to changes and emerging needs.

Management ensures that this policy is communicated and understood by all personnel, ensuring that everyone is aware of its importance for the proper functioning of the company. In addition, the policy is reviewed periodically to ensure its adequacy and effectiveness.

The purpose of this quality policy is to serve as a reference framework for the implementation of the management system and for the establishment and revision of quality objectives and goals. To this end, the organization has established a series of commitments on which it bases its management system:

  • Strict control and monitoring of all services provided to ensure compliance with the requirements agreed with the client.
  • The honesty that has led us to gain the trust of our customers and suppliers.
  • The daily work with the objective to improve the satisfaction of our customers in relation to the service we offer them.
  • The effort to treat our employees with correctness and as members of a team, trying to maintain in them a high degree of satisfaction and offering, with most of them, a direct relationship with the managers of the company.

In addition, it ensures:

  • Compliance with applicable legal requirements and others to which the organization subscribes, as well as the requirements of the reference standards implemented.
  • Continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the implemented Quality Management System, which is adapted day by day to possible changes in the organization.

Management ensures that this Policy is communicated and understood by all company personnel and that they are aware of its importance to the proper functioning of the company. In addition, Management periodically reviews this Policy to ensure that it remains appropriate to the organization’s purpose.